Thursday, July 7, 2005

I arrived in Cap-Haitien on July 1, and I am busy getting the house organized for visitors in early August, when Pat Materiuk will coming down here with Amy and Melissa, both university students from Ontario on a poverty awarness/familiarization trip. They plan to be here for several weeks, and I will ask them to email reports to you all with their impressions and views on what they learn here.

Haitian young people continue to come to Lakay Fondasyon, on the average, about one new visitor every half hour. They seem to be aware of Starthrower's mandate to help high school age students with tuition, as all of them fall into that category. However, with limited funds available to pay for the students we currently assist, we simply do not have funds to help any others. All I can do is listen to their stories, and occasionally add a name to the waiting list, which is now at 20 students.

M. Claude Boucher, Canada's ambassador to Haiti, (Canada's Embassy in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti) hosted a reception here in Cap-Haitien for Canadians who are working here with NGOs (non-government organizations) and charities. It was very interesting to meet him for a brief chat before he was called away.

Until next time,



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