Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Hello Everyone,

Since my health is not improving as it should be, I may be back in Canada a few weeks earlier than planned. I am making arrangements to complete as many enrolments as possible during the coming week, in the event I have to return earlier for medical treatment. (It will also depend on if I can get a flight or not.)

Special thanks to those generous donors who came forward since the last update. You are all making a great difference, and I thank you on behalf of all the students.

I am wondering if anyone can help with a siituation that has arisen with Deles, one of our students in Sen Rayayel. Ever since I have know him, Deles has dreamed of becoming a priest. To be accepted into the seminary, he first had to graduate, and this he accomplished this summer. However, when he met with the priest last week, he was told he is too old to enter the seminary. It's very sad to see his dream crushed. When I spoke with him about other career choices, he thought of agronomy. To get training in agronomy, he would have to go to university in Port-au-Prince, and that is not a problem. What he needs is money to pay for room and board in Port-au-Prince. If anyone has suggestions or can think of ways to help him, please contact me.

I'll be in touch as soon as I can to let you know my plans.



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