Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hello Everyone!

Here is my update, with an urgent plea for donations.

We were able to purchase propane on Saturday, and so are able to cook daily again. Also, I have had success with a combination of peanut butter (mamba) and protein powder in restoring energy, but the protein powder is now gone. Any help from anyone would be appreciated.

Hospital Justinien is on strike again as the doctors have not been paid.

The boxes arrived from Pennsylvania last week. The jeans and t-shirts fairly flew out the door as everyone is writing exams and schools are going on field trips. The new clothes are just wonderful, and the kids were all so excited, I took a picture with the last of my film. Eleven students asked for field trip money (We sponsor 150 students in total), and it was only a few dollars each. For the girls, it was the first time they had worn long pants. The field trips are to various sites, like to Labadie to climb the mountain and see the historic ruins, to the Citadelle, and to Kenscott, a small city also with ruins. There are lots of ruins in Haiti. This is the first time our kids have been able to go on the trips.

Cindy in the U.S.(who arrangesd the t-shirts and jeans, etc.) is preparing more supplies and they should arrive mid April. Now we need a container to ship donated goods still waiting in Canada. Can anyone help with this?

In preparing the birthday lists (an idea borrowed from Ron and Diana, a couple from the States who run an orphanage in Petit Anse), I realized that I have miscounted and we currently have 150 students on our lists. Ron and Diana take all the children in their orphanage to swim at a local hotel pool once a month to celebrate birthdays. Our birthday party will be on a smaller scale -- cake and pop on the last Saturday of every month.

Many do not know their actual birthday. Dieugrand's mom died when he was 10, his dad when he was 12. He raised his sister, Christamene. When the opportunity arose for him to go to school, he had no birth certificate. Sister Cecilia talked with women in the village who had known his family, discerned an approximate date and presented that information to the local magistrate for an 'acte de naissance' (birth certificate).

TJ was left as a newborn in a garbage dump. The people who took him in gave him a name and a birth date.

We have sponsored Guilene Mesadieu for 8 years. She is blind from birth, and attends a special school in Port-au-Prince. She has asked that we try to find a manual braille typewriter and a portable tape recorder.

I have never put out a special request for funds but the reality is that without an infusion of new money over the next 2 months, Lakay Fondasyon will close at the end of June 2006. Two years ago, I was given a generous, anonymous donation to "keep me safe" in Haiti. I chose to put it into creating a place where many others, too, could feel safe. That money is gone and the lease on Lakay Fondasyon ends in June.

Last year, I sold my house and car and used that money to sponsor the program. Some wonderful people in England, Canada and the United States are working very hard to support us. However, six people cannot shoulder the burden of this work. It requires many more.

Our web master tells me that we get more than 1200 web site 'hits' each month. If you are reading this, why are you reading this? What is your interest in Starthrower Foundation and in Haiti, and what is your response? Do you think this [situation in Haiti] is sad? Or do you recognize the injustice and want to help? If so, what are you doing about it? Please help keep our doors open and give these young people 'possibilite'.

Blessings, Namaste



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