Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday in Cap-Haitien

Hello Everyone!

The rain has stopped after 3 weeks. Our drainage canal at the side of the house could not process the quantity so we had to empty it with buckets, wheel barrow etc as the maringwen (mosquitos) were starting to breed.

We await repairs on our roof as the patching Jack did was not sufficient, Still haven't heard fron our kids living in Petit Anse. They live in wood shacks located in the salt water swamps.

Claudy and Lousena came down from Sen Rafayel last Friday. The village is still feeling the impact of the flooding that occurred the week before Christmas. Many more are dying daily, no gardens yet so food scarce and expensive. Still no animals.

On the good news front, our tutoring program in Sen Rafayel seems to be a success. We will know when reports come out after Easter. Deles will take the month of April off, and commence tutoring again May 1st to prepare them for finals.

We are again in desperate need of 24 scientific calculators for the final trimeste.

Many thanks to those who have and continue to help. We could not do it without you.

beni tou (blessings to all)



From Karen: I just got off the phone with Sharon and have a bit more information: When she got back from sending the update yesterday, the supplies from Mme Cindy, family and friends had arrived. Sharon said, "Bless Cindy, she always seems to hit the nail on the head ! She knows exactly what we need, and it arrives just when we need it! And the kids really liked the picture she sent."

Sharon also said the rains had crumbled the retaining wall at the house, and they will be working to repair it next week. Aaron, a volunteer from the U.S., is arriving on Easter Sunday (she will meet you at the airport, Aaron), and she is glad of the help with the 'heavy labor'.

This morning, six girls arrived at the house. It seems they were walking the Stations of the Cross through Cap-Haitien, and stopped in for bread, cheese and water, then continued on their way.


See news reports floods in Haiti

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