Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kreyol-English Update from Haiti - Clothing and Supplies Distributed, Tuition Needed, and a Starfish is Robbed

Hello Everyone,

I received some news from Auguste, who is managing the center in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, so I am sending it along as the Update From Haiti for this week. I translated from Kreyol to English.

Auguste writes:
Good morning, Madam - How is your health today?

Madam Jane came to visit with Father Henry. They're coming back Monday to talk with Sister Rosemary when she will be here.

Dieugrand has a problem. On Monday 26 January, when he arrived home from school, he found the door open. Thieves had broken the lock and stolen the bed, with everything else. Clothes he bought when he worked in the summer -- he lost everything. He is desolate, sad and crying. I tried to give him a little courage but it isn't enough.

I bought oil and distributed food sacks, vitamins, potable water, shoes and clothes 23-26 January. I put clothes on the gallery and let each one choose. This year not everyone could find something. But I send a big thank you to Madam Cindy (Penn). She also wrote a little note in Kreyol.

University in Limbe starts second semester on February 2. [Note: students are required to take courses during the Christmas break. Tuition is separate from regular classes, and these Christmas break courses are mandatory. The kids love to go to school year round.]

I talked with Sister Rosemary and she asked me to send you an email. She is going to the bank to see if sponsor money has arrived for Deles [Course fees for Christmas break were paid out out of general funds.] We don't know what to do about Robert Vincent for the second semester [as we have been unable to find a sponsor which would allow him to finish his second year].

God bless and I'm praying you have good health.

For those of you who are learning the language of Haiti, here is the text in Kreyol :

Bonswa, Mme.

Koman sante ou ye jodia?

Mme Jane ak Pe Henry te vini nan kay-la jodia. Li va retounen anko lendi pou-l pale ak SewozDieugrand gen problem. Lendi 26 janvye le li soti lekol li te trouve pot li ouvri yo te kraze kle-a e vole pran malet ou te ba-li ak tout bagay.

Rad, sa li te achte li te di si yon jou li pa gen kob-la li kapab revann yo anko li pedi tout. Li vreman dezole, tris e l'ap kriye. Mwen te ba-li ti kouraj men sa pa sifi.

Mwen te achte lwil e distribiye sak nouriti, multi-vitamin, dlo potab, soulye ak rad yo 23 e 26 janvye. Mwen te mete rad sou galri chak moun te chwazi. Se diferan ane sa-a, mwen pa kontan paske tout moun pa te trouve rad.Men, mwen di yon gran mesi a Mme Cindy, e li te eseye ekri ti let an kreyol.

Universite Limbe ap komanse 2e semes 2 fevriye 09. Semen sa-a se peyman pou 2e semes-la. Mwen te pale ak Sewoz li te di-m konpoze yon email pou-ou. Li va ale nan bank lan pou-l tcheke si sponsor te voye kob-la pou Deles. Nou pa konnen kisa n'ap fe pou Robert, Vincent?

Bondye beni-w e m'ap priye pou gen bonsante.

I am scheduled for surgery for the colostomy reversal within the next few weeks. I should be given a definite date this coming week; My surgeon cautioned that surgery dates may be changed if no beds are available. Let's hope I can get a bed. It's been four months since the original surgery in Haiti, and it would be great to be on the final step for recovery.


1 comment:

Karen said...

Update: As it stands now, Sharon is scheduled to go to Toronto St Mike's for surgery and pre-surgery tests on Sunday, Feb. 22; surgery planned for Feb. 25.


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